Thursday, October 23, 2014

Headache Relief

If you have allergies like me, headaches are a big problem this time of year when the seasons are changing.  Along with those headaches comes sinus congestion, runny nose, and just general yuckiness.  There are several essential oils that are good for headaches.  This formula most likely will not completely stop a bad headache but is great to take the edge off or keep a headache from ever getting bad.  This can be used on any type of headache, not just sinus.  I use this stuff several times a day during bad allergy days, and it really does make a difference.  It requires a few ingredients that you probably don't have laying around your house unless you're really into essential oils.  This is one of those DIY things I would spend the money on.  Purchasing the base ingredients will make you dozens of batches and will go a long way.  Most of these essential oils are also good for general pain relief, congestion, and cleansing, so they are good to have around anyway.  The easiest way to apply the formula is with a 10 mL roller bottle.  You can buy these on Amazon, eBay, and several essential oil websites.  You can also just mix the essential oils with witch hazel or fractionated coconut oil, put everything in a jar, and apply with fingers.  I like the roller bottle because I can carry it in my purse, and it is much less messy than trying to get liquid out of a jar neatly.  I am listing my recipe below.

Headache Relief
10 mL glass roller bottle (must be glass - no exceptions on this one)
*30 drops peppermint essential oil
*20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
30 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops frankincense essential oil
10 drops wintergreen essential oil
10 drops birch essential oil
5 drops thieves essential oil
witch hazel or fractionated coconut oil per preference

*You may use 10-15 drops camphor essential oil in place of the peppermint and eucalyptus.  The camphor will work better if your headaches are mostly due to sinus congestion (this is what is in commercial vapor rubs), but you must be careful using it.  Camphor is highly toxic if ingested.  It is perfectly safe; just be cautious and don't drink it, duh! 

Put all essential oils into a glass roller bottle and top off with witch hazel or fractionated coconut oil.  Give it a good shake after attaching the roller, and you are ready to go.  Apply to temples, base of brain stem, and base of neck as needed.  This can also be used as general pain relief on achy muscles.  Plus, you'll smell minty fresh where ever you go! 

As a side note, I prefer witch hazel because it seems to absorb better and faster; however, the fractionated coconut oil will last longer.  The witch hazel also doesn't leave greasy marks on your temples and neck if you use it while you are outside of your home.

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